
Biohorizons was a Climate-KIC project, aiming to support the development of an innovative bioeconomy. The Biohorizons consortium identified the most important interventions to support bioeconomy innovation, to guide Government decision making. The project covered six EU countries including the UK, and used surveys and stakeholder interviews.

NNFCC coordinated the Biohorizons project, and conducted political, social and market analyses to put survey results into context.​

We developed a survey with the consortium, using interventions previously cited as being important. Project partners distributed the survey to bioeconomy stakeholders across Europe. We then mapped the UK bioeconomy policy landscape, using a technology innovation system analysis approach, and used the results of the survey, along with other recent reports, to quantify functioning of the UK bioeconomy ‘innovation system’. We then made recommendations for policy makers to drive.

We successfully coordinated the project between partners across Europe, were lead authors of 'Five recommendations to kick-start bioeconomy innovation in the UK' published in BioFPR to inform policy makers, were authors in an academic paper analysing the EU bioeonomy barriers, and produced bioeconomy policy factsheets of EU countries.

The project was funded by the European Centre for Innovation and Technology through the Climate Knowledge Innovation Community (Climate KIC).

Contact Dr Adrian Higson, Lead Consultant: Biobased products and biorefining.