DAFIA explores the conversion routes of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) and residues from the fish processing industries to obtain high added value products. The project uses biomass fractionation processes followed by industrial biotechnology and green chemistry to produce bio-based flame retardants, edible coatings for food, and bio-based chemical building blocks (dicarboxylic acids and diamine) to produce bio-based polyamides and polyesters for a wide range industrial applications.



DAFIA is a 4-year project funded by the EU commission’s research arm Horizon 2020. It involves researchers from 15 institutes across the European Union, Norway, Turkey and Israel, and across the value chain from academia and industry.


NNFCC's role

NNFCC are leading a pivotal work package to develop exploitation plans and business models for the products and processes piloted by partners in the consortium. We are also contributing to other work packages in the consortium including developing communication material to educate and engage the public and stakeholders to further the impact of the project.

More Information about DAFIA

The DAFIA website will act as a platform to engage stakeholders and the public, and create a network across Europe and China for valorising agricultural waste. www.dafia-project.eu

For further information, please contact Lucy Montgomery, NNFCC Consultant.

l.montgomery@nnfcc.co.uk  +44 (0)1904 435291.

DAFIA Partners