Théa has a
BSc degree in Biology from the University of York and a Masters of Research in
Plant and Microbial Biology from the University of Sheffield during which she worked on the effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae on nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural soils. Before joining
NNFCC, Thea worked as a Trainer and Support Data Analyst for a waste management
and IT company.
Théa is a Consultant, working on ongoing projects, both for private companies and on long-running European projects such as ShikiFactory100. She has acquired in-depth knowledge of the UK and the EU AD markets and political landscapes, and specialises in non-food crops and their applications within the bioeconomy.
As part of the Marketing Team, Théa is also responsible for writing in depth articles on
industry developments, new technologies and upcoming policies. She also helps with
the general dissemination of communication material and manages the company's social media.
Recent articles include: