Bioresources & biogas market review

The client was a provider of wholesale water and sewerage services licensed by The Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat). Upon Ofwat’s request, the client approached NNFCC to undertake an annual review of the biogas and bioresources markets to learn about any significant changes towards biogas and ancillary markets in the last 12 months, and the implications of such developments for their current business.

NNFCC have good market knowledge of AD and biogas as evidenced by our ‘Anaerobic Digestion Deployment in the UK’ annual report, as well as a broad network of contacts in the AD sector, so were in a good position to support the client with the data and feedback needed.

Firstly, NNFCC delivered a review of core and ancillary markets, including: biogas, biomethane, hydrogen, biosolids and liquid waste. For each of these markets the review explored significant developments over the last 12 months on the following topics: new technology, emergence of new competitors, alternative suppliers and material changes in volumes to be traded.

The review was delivered through desk-based research using our annual AD market report and publicly available data and information, sourced from academic and trade journals, corporate press releases, patents and NNFCC’s internal knowledge. Additionally, interviews with key stakeholders were arranged to engage with organisations in the same or similar markets, including those developing new technology in the bioresources area.

Subsequently, NNFCC assessed the attractiveness of the most relevant market developments identified, in the context of the client’s business model and highlighted the most relevant opportunities for them.

As a result of the work, the client gained insight into the status quo of the market, which will be used to inform their future business and marketing strategies. Furthermore, the client was able to satisfy to the regulator’s request.


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