
NNFCC has a combined knowledge of the entire bioeconomy, spanning the range of potential feedstocks; products and co-products, processing residues and waste. We believe in a circular economy where waste from one process becomes the feedstock for another and we encourage and facilitate process integration to deliver this.

Renewable Bio-based Resources 

Renewable feedstocks are already playing a central role within the bioeconomy: 150 million tonnes of forestry products are used to generate 770 TWh of primary energy each year in Europe, with a further 210 TWh from waste and 12 TWh from agricultural residues.

The key to the cost-competitive and responsible use of renewable feedstock lies in their efficient use, while taking care of our society’s simultaneous need for food, feed, energy, fuel and materials. Re-using and valorising available resources, including waste and residues, alongside the use of dedicated and sustainable biomass resources is important to cover society’s needs.

NNFCC expertise


Our staff have a complementary and mixed background, with an ability to deliver strategic and practical farming expertise for growers, processors and end-users of conventional arable or energy crops and agricultural wastes and residues.

Land Use Change 

Understanding the impacts on land-use and the wider ecosystems impacts of land-use change as a result of the expanding bioeconomy is crucial to successful planning, and this is an area where NNFCC excels in providing advice and guidance to commercial clients and policy makers alike. Staff have worked extensively with developers, expert groups and European committees to understand such impacts and to develop methodologies to consider both direct- and indirect land use change (ILUC) impacts at a local and global scale respectively. 

Resource assessments

Resource assessments or due diligence on sourcing strategies have been undertaken across all feedstock types for developers and investors, or at a more strategic level for national and regional Government; identifying and addressing risks, mitigating actions and providing confidence to enable projects and policies to get off the ground. 

Crops, forestry, residues and wastes 

NNFCC has far broader knowledge than just agricultural feedstocks; our portfolio of clients and projects encompass development, integration and improvement of waste management and forestry production systems which are equally important in delivering raw materials to the bioeconomy. For example, NNFCC is currently a partner in the Horizon 2020 Agrocycle project, looking to develop novel business models for valorising agri-food wastes and residues across the supply chain in Europe and China.

Sustainable supply chains

Beyond feedstock production, its handling, storage, conversion and transport are essential elements to consider in building or enhancing a sustainable supply chain. NNFCC has supported clients across all bioeconomy sectors, to ensure raw materials are efficiently and sustainably sourced, technically compatible, economically robust and sufficiently stable.

NNFCC Projects

NNFCC has delivered many projects relevant to feedstocks, including:

For more reports and our monthly review of news from the feedstocks sector, see our publications store.