Biomass Availability

Posted in: feedstocks

This report takes a look at biomass availability with a focus on the UK – what feedstocks are available for various applications within the bioeconomy, with detail as to quantities and other considerations affecting availability.

The UK Department of Business and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) proposes to publish a new biomass strategy in 2022. This refreshed strategy is expected to build on the 2012 UK bioenergy strategy and will aim to bring together many government departments whose policies for net-zero involve the use of sustainable biomass. BEIS has also said it will take into account the CCC’s recommendations, which called for the UK’s bioenergy strategy to be refreshed, and will set out more details in its energy white paper. The 15th of June saw the close of a BEIS call for evidence in the role of biomass in achieving net-zero, to support development of the strategy, and a progress update has been published this month.

Types of feedstock vary widely. It includes agricultural and agricultural by-products, processing residues from industry, and waste. Some examples include...

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This article was written by Polly-Ann Hanson, Research Analyst at NNFCC.

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