COP26 - The outcomes

Posted in: nnfcc

This short articles summarises the key outcomes of this year's COP26 in Glasgow.

On the 12th December 2015, at COP21 in Paris, the first ever universal agreement on climate was agreed. The historic Paris Agreement contained a pledge to keep global warming below 2°C, while striving to keep it nearer to 1.5°C. Developed countries also committed to providing developing nations with $100 billion to support their fight against climate change. Finally, the agreement stipulated that signatories should publish national carbon emissions reduction targets by 2020 (Called Nationally Determined Contributions or NDCs), and that these would be subsequently reviewed every five years.

Five years on, COP26 in Glasgow was dubbed “the last chance saloon”, after international commitments made in Paris came short, and global warming is on its way to increasing by 2.7°C by 2100. As a result, the task that global leaders faced in Glasgow was no mean feat, and expectations were very high. After two weeks of pledges and tensed negotiations, COP26 concluded on the 12th November 2021 and 197 countries joined the Glasgow Climate Pact. Overall, the Climate Pact contains an agreement to “keep 1.5°C alive and urgently accelerate climate action”, while building upon the Paris Agreement and laying out a reporting framework which will improve the transparency of national targets and progress.

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This article was written by Thea Allary, Research Analyst at NNFCC.

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