UK Green Claims Code

Posted in: nnfcc

This article summarises the new Green Claims Code established in the UK by the The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).

As consumers are increasingly gravitating towards products which are less detrimental to the environment, therefore leading to a rise in “green” products demand,. To respond to this demand, sustainable and environmentally-friendly products are being developed at an unprecedent rate, unfortunately, the occurrence of greenwashing has also gone through the roof recently. Earlier this year, the European Commission, along with several European national consumer authorities, released a report that showed that 42% of brands included in the survey made some sort of misleading green claims. More specifically, in more than half of the cases, the claims were not accompanied by enough information which would allow the consumers to judge its accuracy. Furthermore, in 37% of the cases, claims included vague unverifiable statements which only served to convey that a product had no negative impact on the environment. Finally, in 59% of the cases, the claims were not accompanied by easily accessible supporting evidence. Not only does greenwashing mislead consumers, such counter-productive practices may result in even more damage to the environment, and work against consumers’ wishes.  

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is a branch of the UK government which is responsible for making sure that markets are safe and fair for consumers and businesses alike. At the end of September, the CMA released its new Green Claims Code...

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This article was written by Thea Allary, Research Analyst at NNFCC.

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