Oxygen – The bioeconomy’s forgotten element?

Posted in: biobased

This article explores the role of oxygen within the bioeconomy and questions the (usual) negative connotation associated with it.

Bioeconomy discussions are typically centred around carbon. How to reduce carbon emissions? How to increase soil carbon? What about carbon sequestration? How do we support low carbon fuel development? These are all common questions.

In recent years there’s been a newcomer to these discussions, hydrogen has entered the debate with proponents and detractors questioning the potential and value of a future hydrogen economy.

However, the most abundant element on earth and the second most abundant in biomass, is rarely a topic of conversation. The reason behind this lies in the focus of the bioeconomy on the supply of biofuels and bioenergy.

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This article was written by Dr Adrian Higson, Lead Consultant for Biobased Products.

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