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One of the potential consequences of using biomass materials without due
consideration for sustainability, is deforestation, which leads to further
consequences including carbon emissions and loss of ecosystems and biodiversity.
Across the world, major policy shifts have been implemented across the last
decade to reduce and reverse deforestation. As the push for net-zero
accelerates, policy and technologies are also being deployed to ensure that pathways
to reach net-zero do not cause environmental damage such as deforestation
whilst pushing to mitigate the greenhouse gas emissions.
The European Parliament has adopted a new law to
restrict access to the EU market to products which have resulted from
deforestation affected land or products which have caused deforestation. Companies
will have to produce due diligence to...
Other News this Month Includes:
- European parliament introduces new anti-deforestation law
- Agreement reached on RED III biomass sustainability
- Restaurant Technologies breaks their previous record for conversion of UCO into sustainable diesel
- Calumet reaches design capacity at Montana Renewables
Research & Development
- Developed sugar cane variety in high demand
- Recent progress in the production of low carbon intensive drop-in fuels
- More...
Wood & Crop
- Origin Materials and SCGP announce partnership for ASEAN-Based Plant
- Columbia palm oil as SAF ingredient
- More...
- Novozymes & Fibenol to demonstrate lignocellulosic biorefinery
- NTPC and Chempolis collaborate on feasibility study for bamboo
- Oleo-X develops feedstock facility for renewable fuels
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