NNFCC is taking part in the EU funded BBI JU project OLEAF4VALUE. The goal of the project is to develop of a complete olive leaf upcycling system, providing a solution for the valorisation of the 4,5 million tons of olive leaves produced annually in the world by the olive oil industry – currently, a problematic biomass that needs to be removed from the fields and the olive oil mills.
OLEAF4VALUE will set up the basis of a smart value chain based on a disruptive and first-of-its kind concept: Smart Dynamic Multi-Valorisation-Route Biorefinery for the cascade valorisation of the olive leaf biomass.
NNFCC are involved in four of the work packages, including the impact assessment, review of regulations and consumer considerations, and the communication and dissemination activities. Most notably, we are leading the commercialisation work package 'Paving the way towards market launching' and will be developing exploitation plans and business models for the products and processes piloted by the partners in the consortium. We will also be responsible for producing reports on Regulations and Standards of relevance to the products and processes being considered, and evaluating the individual Value Chains.
The project started on July 2021, it will last 3 years and gathers 16 partners from 9 different countries: Natac Biotech SL (NATAC) (ES)- project coordinator, Oleicola El Tejar (ES), Ingecor Agroforestal SL (ES), Innorenew CoE (SI), Fundacion Cener CENER (ES), Instituto Politecnico De Braganca (PT), Biochemize Sl (ES), Universita Degli Studi Di Firenze (IT), Nizo Food Research Bv (NL), Martin-LutherUniversitaet Halle-Wittenberg (DE), Havforskningsinstituttet
(NO), Mibelle Ag (CH), Eurizon Sl INNOVARUM (ES), Zero Emissions Engineering Bv (NL) and Nnfcc Limited (UK), Mowi Feed As (NO).