The factsheet was produced through the Climate-KIC Biohorizons project. The Climate-KIC Biohorizons project was led by Dr Edward Hodgson, Aberystwyth University, UK and co-ordinated by NNFCC, UK. Project partners were Imperial College, UK, South Pole Carbon Ltd. Switzerland; University of Valencia, Spain; University of Bologna, Italy; PANNON Pro Innovation Services Ltd. Hungary; University of Kassel, Germany; INRA, France.
Factsheet overview
This factsheet gives an overview of Spain's bioeconomy innovation technology system. It includes the key government interventions, research initiatives, networks and finance instruments, in Spain.
Bioeconomy Governance
- The key government bodies are:
- The Institute for Energy Diversification and Energy Saving (IDAE)
- The Ministry of Research, Development and Innovation
- The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
- Spanish Office for Climate Change
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism
Bioenergy and Biofuels
The development of renewable energies is a priority of the Spanish energy policy, as it benefits the whole of society.
- The Government has adopted the Royal Decree 413/2014 which regulates the activity of electricity production from renewable energy sources, cogeneration and waste, and compensation schemes for facilities.
- Renewable electricity generation is supported by feed-in tariffs.
- To promote thermal biomass in buildings, IDAE are in charge of BIOMCASA II programs.
- IDAE also support renewable energy projects in buildings, including large thermal facilities.
- For energy efficiency, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism developed the National Saving and Energy Action Plan (2011-2020).
In addition, the vast majority of governments of the Autonomous Regions, who have responsibility for energy, mining and environmental issues within their territory, have established measures to promote renewable energy through their energy plans, which include details of the areas for renewable energy development.
More information
For more information about the Spanish bioeconomy, please download the factsheet, or contact Dr Caitlin Burns, NNFCC.
Bioeconomy Factsheet Series
This factsheet series provides a concise summary of how different EU governments are supporting the growth of the bioeconomy through policy, strategy and research. Other Factsheets in this series include: