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NNFCC News Review: Biofuels Issue 138, September 2023

Category: biofuels
Published: 28/09/2023
Author: NNFCC
Each month we review the latest news and select key announcements and commentary from across the biofuels sector.

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As countries and industries seek to meet carbon reduction targets and reduce
their reliance on fossil fuels, the demand for second-generation biofuels continues to rise. Biofuels generated from wastes, municipal and agricultural residues and dedicated crops that do not compete with food crops (e.g., crops grown on marginal land) are expected to make up approximately 40% of the biofuels consumed in 2030 in the Net Zero Emissions Scenario, up from an estimated 9% in 2021.

Agricultural waste is an inevitable by-product of farming activities that often accumulates in large quantities and can pose environmental challenges. However, when harnessed effectively, agricultural waste becomes a valuable resource, contributing to bioenergy and biofuels production, soil enrichment, circular economy principles, and reduced environmental impact, aligning with sustainable agricultural and energy practices.

In the US, bp Ventures invested $10 million in WasteFuel...

Other news this month includes:


  • B30 biodiesel mandate for heavy vehicles in Malaysia by 2030
  • Indonesia initiates WTO dispute complaint regarding EU duties on biodiesel imports
  • California Low Carbon Fuel Standard revisions slip to 2024


  • Google joins Shell’s SAF program to reduce business travel emissions
  • POET reopens bioprocessing facility in Cloverdale, Indiana
  • More...

Research and Development

  • EEL Biofuels exploits algae as a source for biofuel production


  • Indonesia's Pertamina introduces gasoline blend containing 5% ethanol
  • Raízen chooses Sulzer as technology supplier for new second-generation ethanol facilities


  • Work begins on new HVO plant in South Korea
  • Cologne airport fully shifts ground fleet to renewable diesel

Aviation and Shipping Biofuel

  • Axens to supply Vegan® technology for Haike Chemical’s sustainable aviation fuel project in China
  • Spain’s Algeciras launches pioneering passenger ships powered by second-generation biofuels
  • More...

Other Biofuels

  • Biokraft expands biomethane liquefaction capacity, commissioning world’s largest bio-LNG unit
  • Construction commences on biomethane refuelling station for HGVs

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