NNFCC Publishes 2024 Edition of Anaerobic Digestion Deployment in the Republic of Ireland Report

Posted in: nnfcc

Press release – The second installment of NNFCC’s report on the Irish AD sector highlights 2024 as a turning point for the biomethane sector in the Republic of Ireland.

ADBA Scottish Conference, 23rd May 2024 – NNFCC, the Bioeconomy Consultants, launched their second annual ‘Anaerobic Digestion Deployment in the Republic of Ireland Report’ for 2024.

There has clearly been a lot of noise around biomethane in Ireland in the past 12 months, and it is hoped that the coming 12 months will bring action, delivery and progress. The draft National Biomethane Strategy presented a well-considered and logical approach, alongside a good level of ambition, to attract developers, investors and suppliers from other, currently less active nations.

As the industry eagerly awaits the launch of the Renewable Heat Obligation (RHO) and the publication of the final National Biomethane Strategy, there is a height of anticipation around the sector and a sense of urgency coming from all angles. Two big frustrations in the UK market are continued instability in the feedstock market and the lack of pace of development, despite continued financial support being available. However, the broader approach to feedstock and the key principles set out in the draft Strategy indicate that Ireland plans to tackle these issues head-on, by setting clear priorities and an ambitious target, to drive interest and investment at the pace required to succeed.

NNFCC’s AD Deployment in the Republic of Ireland report is a valuable tool for investors, developers and suppliers with an interest in the industry. It is available for purchase from www.nnfcc.co.uk and purchasers will receive a PDF copy of the report containing the latest market commentary and a comprehensive database of all operational and planned AD facilities in the Republic of Ireland, including detail on location, status, commissioning date, energy output capacity and feedstock treatment capacity, by type. 

For more information:

Where to access the report

Full details of all NNFCCs reports and tools can be found at  www.nnfcc.co.uk/publications-store. For more information on the AD Deployment in the UK report, please contact Andrea Munoz-Garcia, Senior Consultant on a.munoz-garcia@nnfcc.co.uk


NNFCC is an independent provider of expertise and strategic focus to Government, industry and academia. The business has worked exclusively in the bioeconomy sector for 20 years and has developed an intimate understanding of the bioeconomy. As a result, the company has built an enviable track record of working with, and delivering to, clients in the AD and bioenergy sector.
The NNFCC team have extensive project experience on biomass related resources and bioenergy technologies, including project scoping, planning and development, as well as providing strategic insight and business support services to those established in or entering the bioenergy market. NNFCC has an unrivalled knowledge of the UK AD market and the underpinning regulations.

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