Feedstock assessment & sourcing


A key consideration for all projects utilising biomass is what types of feedstock are compatible with the process under consideration and how likely is it that sufficient feedstock of the right qualities can be secured. While increasing project scale can reduce costs per unit output, this can strain local biomass resources. Conversely, very specific feedstocks may be required to drive high-value extractive operations.

NNFCC has direct experience in assessing biomass resources at regional, national and international level to address issues of investor confidence in biomass availability. This takes into account both current and emerging competing uses. NNFCC can also help to identify sources of biomass, supplies, intermediary agents and provide information on contracting practices.

There are a wide range of biomass resources available, derived from virgin, waste and process by-product resources. Each one has its own characteristics and technology compatibility issues, which NNFCC can help you understand.

To help business planning, NNFCC also has access to biomass costs, though to costing and carbon accounting tools that can help business assess both the economic and sustainability credentials of proposed business opportunities. NNFCC can appraise the environmental impacts of individual or competing options using Life Cycle Analysis and other approaches (see sustainability strategy services).

Through its work in both policy support and assisting business compliance, NNFCC has a well-developed understanding of biomass support schemes and sustainability issues and experience in helping biomass users ensure they meet the required standards, including dealing with novel resources and in helping to get novel biomass approaches recognised by relevant authorities.

NNFCC can assist in all of these areas to help de-risk decisions, ensuring projects are structured around well-considered supply chains that can deliver your aspirations. ​

Talk to the experts

For business solutions call NNFCC on +44 (0)1904 435 182 or email enquiries@nnfcc.co.uk

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