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UK Readiness to meet 2020 targets - biomass supply chain infrastructure

Category: feedstocks,bioenergy
Published: 01/01/2014
Author: NNFCC
NNFCC conducted analyses of the capacity and constraints in infrastructure for the biomass power supply chain, and the associated risks in meeting the UK 2020 renewable energy targets.


  • UK biomass demand for the power sector up to 2020
  • Major transport routes mapped for biopower supply chains
  • Port handling capacities, road and rail biomass distribution capacities across the UK
  • Infrastructure constraints, and investment required to overcome these

Reasons to buy

  • Understand the strengths and weaknesses in the UK infrastructure to transport biomass
  • To inform investment decisions in biomass
  • To plan best location for biomass developments
  • To inform policy decisions and investment in infrastructure 

Number of pages:15 page summary

The full report (80 pages) underpins this one summary, but contains confidential information from individual developers so we are unable to share the full report. However, if readers would like further information they should contact NNFCC to discuss their needs and whether we can provide the necessary info.

Accessibility: This item is available to NNFCC business subscribers or through individual purchase


The Renewables Roadmap, published in 2011, stated the government‘s plan to triple the current UK biomass electricity capacity. NNFCC conducted analyses of the capacity and constraints of the infrastructure and supply chain, and the associated risks in meeting the UK 2020 renewable energy targets, in 2012 and an update report in 2014.

The aim of this project was to define the baseline of existing biomass supply infrastructure in the UK and understand the temporal and geographical dynamics of expected supply chains as a means to establish whether UK infrastructure will be sufficient to meet the demand of the UK biomass market leading up to 2020.

To provide an accurate estimation of the biomass feedstock volumes that will be required by the UK power sector, NNFCC engaged with major industry developers to establish their intentions for development of biomass power facilities. This data was then used to develop biomass demand projections leading to 2020. Alongside this work, estimates for future port handling capacity were calculated and an assessment of the potential for biomass to be distributed on the rail network was undertaken using information gathered through discussions with port operators, Network Rail and major UK freight operating companies. The outputs were then used to predict whether infrastructure constraints may act as a limiting factor to expansion of the UK biomass market.

UK biomass infrastructure capacity, planned expansion and constraints were analysed for:

  • Biomass power facilities
  • Large biomass storage
  • Feedstock transport routes
  • Ports
  • Rail network
  • Roads
  • Freight operators

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