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NNFCC News Review: Bioenergy Issue 122, May 2022

Category: bioenergy
Published: 19/05/2022
Author: NNFCC
Each month we review the latest news and select key announcements and commentary from across the bioenergy sector.

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Bioenergy derived from wood and wood waste, including sawdust, wood chips, bark, and wood scraps, accounted for 2.3% of total annual energy consumption in 2020 in the United States, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. In the UK, the mass of wood pellets being burnt in biomass power stations increased 36x from 2010 to 2018, and the mass of wood pellets imported to the UK has increased 13x over the same period, according to the Office for National Statistics. The Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI), which closed on 31st March 2022, was a government incentive that promoted the use of renewable heat via solar water heating, heat pumps, and biomass boilers – which utilise wood or approved non-woody biomass as the fuel source. Eligible installations would receive quarterly payments over seven years for their renewable heat production. This is being replaced by the Clean Heat Grant, which will provide grants for upfront costs of heat pump installation up to £4000, but will only subsidise biomass systems under specific circumstances.

Similarly, Ireland has the Support Scheme for Renewable Heat (SSRH), administered by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). This applies mainly to businesses, and incentivises heat pump installation via investment grants, and biomass or biogas boilers (anaerobic digestion) and high efficiency CHP heating systems via ongoing operational support in the form of a tariff, for a period of 15 years, available to successful applicants. Recently, over 50 Irish businesses...

Other News this Month Includes:  


  • UK quarterly energy stats
  • Market-based mechanism for low carbon heat


  • Greencoat acquires Margam Green Energy
  • Gasrec and Reynolds Logistics continue successful relationship as demand for biomethane grows

Research and Development

  • Inauguration of Switzerland’s first industrial power to gas plant

Biomass Heat and Power

  • Netherlands to phase out support for wood biomass for low grade heat applications
  • 51 Irish agri-enterprises offered grants for biomass systems, but scheme is under-subscribed


  • Nestlé converts diesel truck fleet to bio-LNG
  • VERBIO launches the first cellulosic RNG plant in the USA
  • Anaergia commissions first of seven renewable natural gas facilities it will own and operate in Italy

Energy from Waste

  • Scottish incineration review offers “balanced perspective on EfW”
  • EfW tonnages rise 5% in 2021 according to Tolvik report
  • Waste-to-Energy and decarbonisation in the EU

Carbon Capture

  • Navigator CO2 and Big River team up for CO2 capture, transportation, storage, and value optimisation
  • Carbon Clean raises $150m (£123m) in record carbon capture funding round
  • Drax to pilot more pioneering new carbon capture technology


Capacity Statistics

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