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NNFCC News Review: Bioenergy Issue 146, May 2024

Category: bioenergy
Published: 21/05/2024
Author: NNFCC
Each month we review the latest news and select key announcements and commentary from across the bioenergy sector.

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A study conducted by the Centre for Energy Policy (CEP) at the University of Strathclyde, showed that the establishment of a CO2 Transport and Storage (T&S) sector in Scotland can create more than 3,000 full-time equivalent jobs. The deployment of Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) infrastructure is projected to inject around £300 million in the UK economy. These jobs and GDP figures assume a T&S sector that is fully operational by 2030 and are respectively 300% and 84% higher than estimates for a scenario where no action is taken to relieve present and enduring labour market constraints and pressures.

Scottish T&S sector could boost economic gains by developing an export market to sequester emissions, potentially increasing jobs, and GDP to nearly £490M per annum by 2042. Professor Karen Turner, CEP Director, emphasizes the need to address persistent skills and worker shortages to maximize economic gains and enable a sustainable transition. The UK Government aims for a self-sustaining market for CCUS by 2035, but the future of government support depends on international market evolution for both CCUS and greener products. A recent report by Green Jobs Delivery Group's CCS Task and Finish Group agrees and further highlights the transformative role of CCS in the net zero transition and emphasizes that the availability and timing of skilled workforce is crucial. Another report compiled by Scotland’s net zero infrastructure (SNZI) warns of potential ‘congestion effects’ due to workforce scarcity and the difficulty related to cost of deploying the four T&S systems. Without appropriate planning, these factors could constrain economic expansion and exacerbate competition for resources such as labour.

The UK government has initiated a call for evidence for carbon capture, usage, and storage (CCUS). The call for evidence will look to gather views and evidence in the areas of non-pipeline transport (NPT) value chain data, CCUS policy landscape and wider deployment considerations...

Other News this Month Includes:  


  • Conservative MPs express concern over UK biomass subsidies
  • REA responds to MPs’ letter calling for restriction on biomass power subsidies
  • More...


  • UK waste confronts its carbon problem
  • Renewables: Commission greenlights Belgian state aid scheme to boost renewable energy in Wallonia
  • Nordsol and Prodeval to build bio-LNG plant in Portugal 

Research & Development

  • ENGIE New Ventures invests in WASE, a start-up developing a technology that maximises the potential of biogas as a renewable baseload energy source

Biomass Heat and Power

  • MOU agreed to develop ‘bioship’ technology and plans to construct the world’s first biomass-fuelled ship
  • Sugarcane waste to clean energy: Shell Philippines inks deal for biomass power
  • NTPC achieves 20% torrefied biomass co-firing in Uttar Pradesh

Energy from Waste

  • Work begins on major energy from waste plant in Tayside
  • Energy from Waste facility formally opened
  • More...


  • “Ireland’s drive to reach national biomethane decarbonisation targets through the construction of 150-200 large scale AD plants” 
  •  Diageo to invest €100m in St James’s Gate as part of net zero carbon plans for Guinness brewery
  • More...

Carbon Capture

  • New plans to drive carbon capture industry forward
  • Carbon Capture and Storage sector in Scotland could support 3,000 jobs and boost UK economy by £300M
  • Växjö Energi demonstrates carbon capture technology with Sumitomo SHI FW


Capacity Statistics

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