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NNFCC News Review: Bioenergy Issue 127, October 2022

Category: bioenergy
Published: 20/10/2022
Author: NNFCC
Each month we review the latest news and select key announcements and commentary from across the bioenergy sector.

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Concern about shortages of natural gas in Europe has driven gas prices sky-high as nations seek to secure supply prior to increased demand during winter months. At the same time, decarbonisation measures in Europe are being accelerated, with new energy targets of 45% of energy from renewables, voted through in September (RED III). Both factors have drawn attention to the growing biomethane sector which has the potential to impact against both of these challenges. There was some disappointment that production targets of sustainable biomethane were not enshrined in the RED III proposal. However, the initiative behind this proposal - REPowerEU – has now been established. REPowerEU has launched a new Biomethane Industrial Partnership (BIP) to accelerate utilisation of biomethane.

The BIP is a private-public partnership seeking to increase the annual production of sustainable methane in the EU to ... 

Other News this Month Includes:  


  • UK introduces Energy Prices Bill, capping returns for renewables
  • REA responds to UK energy prices parliamentary bill
  • More...


  • Eqtec to sell Deeside waste, gasification and AD projects
  • Brazil’s National Bank for Economic and Social Development invests €8.5m into new biogas plant

Research & Development

  • £1m biomass research project between Heriot-Watt and Petronas
  • Rural development potential in the bioeconomy in developed countries: biogas production in Denmark

Biomass Heat and Power

  • European CHP units to continue despite high costs and biomass shortages
  • Smurfit Kappa to install biomass boiler at $100 million cost
  • More...


  • Irish government fails to apply for REPowerEU funding
  • France tries to increase farm biogas in push for renewable energy
  • More...

Energy from Waste

  • Downturn in outlook for Waste to Energy industry in Europe
  • Yorkshire businesses flock to event for new multi-million pound waste-to-energy hub

Carbon Capture

  • World’s biggest carbon removals deal announced at New York Climate Week
  • Global carbon capture project pipeline swells 44% in past year


Capacity Statistics

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