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NNFCC News Review: Bioenergy Issue 117, December 2021

Category: bioenergy
Published: 15/12/2021
Author: NNFCC
Each month we review the latest news and select key announcements and commentary from across the bioenergy sector.

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To conclude an exciting year in the bioenergy sector, we choose to focus on the FTSE 100 energy giant Drax Group, which has attracted much media attention in the past few months. Drax currently operates 13 pellet plants globally, with a combined capacity of 4Mt. Additional plant commissions and expansion projects are expected to increase capacity to 5Mt in the near future. Overall, Drax’s objective is to reach a total capacity of 8Mt by 2030.

The company believes that the global market for sustainable biomass and carbon capture and storage (BECCS) will grow at an unprecedented rate in the years to come, creating with it sustainable long-term uses for biomass and leading to the expansion of pellet production capacity. As Drax’s capacity grows and as markets become more favourable for bioenergy, the company expects to double its sales of biomass to third parties in Asia and Europe. 

Other News this Month Includes:  


  • Haldor Topsoe and Green Fuel to develop scalable technologies for green ammonia
  • bp acquires c. 29% stake in Gasrec
  • Biomethane has potential for 10-fold increase by 2030

Research & Development

  • Clariant working to reduce CO2 footprint of steam reforming for hydrogen
  • Review of forest carbon accounting principles
  • Drax update on ambitions for pellet plants, biomass sales and BECCS

Biomass Heat and Power

  • Drax pushes on with biomass
  • Drax considering biomass plant in US


  • DHL and Grundfos pilot Bio-LNG in road freight with promising results
  • AstraZeneca to build new renewable energy plant to provide clean heat and power across UK sites
  • Industry experts unite to convert global racing championship food waste to electricity 

Carbon Capture

  • Biomass CCS for Japanese biomass plant
  • EU support for Stockholm Exergi's bio-CCS project
  • Projects selected for Phase 1 of the Direct air capture and greenhouse gas removal programme


Capacity Statistics

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